“Our Heroes”, a comic strip telling the story of Alport Syndrome.

ASAL Associazione Sindrome di Alport (Italian Association of Alport Syndrome) has created the comic strip Our Heroes, to tell younger patients about the disease in a positive, reassuring and encouraging way and  without too much drama. 

The project was born in 2022 within the ASAL youth group. It is the result of a creative and reflective journey.

A tale of a journey  that can offer correct information through simple and sincere language, where diversity and illness are transformed into opportunities.

The main characters of the comic strip.

The comic book tells the story of heroes LALY, SOUNDER, STRAINER and their ultimate challenge against the enemy MISTER-X.


A.S.AL has always reached out to young people with the goal of supporting and improving communication about Alport Syndrome. Tools such as comics help to inform in a simple way, reducing the drama and accompanying the patient in learning about the disease.

When one is faced with a rare genetic disease, a sense of loneliness is common.

Working together on this comic strip for the Alport children was therefore an opportunity to identify and share the awareness gained during the personal journey of managing and caring for the disease.  

The result is child- and youth-friendly and it is intended to be a source of support and encouragement for all people living with Alport.

“Our heroes” is a project developed under the guidance of the psychologist Elisa Dessì, and the supervision of Laura Parise, head of the A.S.AL.

The graphic and editorial project was developed by the communication and graphics expert Paola Spada and the illustrator Anne-Line Schalk.

For now it will be distributed in the digital version, but one of the objectives is to print it and present it in schools as part of a dedicated project.

The project was also made possible thanks to the economic contribution of Sanofi.

Make a small donation of 5 Euros and activate the download.

Download your comic in PDF format

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